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USD 214 2023-2024 School Fee Adjustment

USD 214 – Ulysses
“A great place to grow, learn and succeed!”


Dear USD 214 Parents:

As we end our year and start to plan for next year, we would like to let everyone know about adjustments to our USD 214 school fees for next year. In the hopes of simply what we do, the following fees have been established:
●    Hickok Elementary School: $30 Technology Fee
●    Sullivan Elementary School: $30 Technology Fee
●    Kepley Middle School: $30 Technology Fee
●    Ulysses High School: $30 Technology Fee + $20 Classroom Resource Fee = $50 Total Fee
●    Additional project-specific fees will be applied in shop classes when students are building personal projects.
The district requests that these fees be paid at the time of enrollment each year. To help parents with planning, we are publishing these fees this spring. We hope this will let you budget as we approach next fall.
●    All KMS and UHS technology fees will need to be paid prior to a student checking out their Chromebook.
●    All KMS 8th Graders must have fees paid to participate in the Spring 8th Grade Recognition Ceremony.
●    All UHS fees will need to be paid prior to a student being allowed to attend the UHS Prom or walk at the graduation ceremony.
●    All Hickok and Sullivan Elementary School student fees will need to be paid prior to attending any extracurricular field trips.
If you are facing significant financial hardship and need help with fees, please reach out to your building principal. They will work with you to develop a plan for payments.

We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing everyone in the fall as we start our 2023-2024 school year.
If you have any questions, please reach out.

Go Tigers!


Corey Burton                                                                                 Kevin Warner
Superintendent                                                                   Director of Student Learning



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