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UHS Cheerleading

Through Teamwork, Responsibility, Hard Work, Sportsmanship and Friendship the focus for UHS Cheer is to build Trust, Confidence and Pride in ourselves, school and community while encouraging the personal best for every member of our team.



The purpose of UHS Cheer is to support all UHS activities, attract positive attention, encourage crowd participation and be positive role models.

The intent of the Cheer Coach is to assist all squad members in achieving their goals, both academic and physical, as well as assist them in gaining life skills.

The reward for participating in UHS Cheer will be many close friendships, travel opportunities and positive memories of the UHS experience.  Hard work reaps the satisfaction of accomplishment and a busy schedule cultivates the skill of organization, time-management, and stress management.

Football Cheer Squad



Lori Barnes

Coach Lori Barnes is a computer lab para at Ulysses High School and Seward County Community College outreach coordinator. She graduated from MCED Online from Fresno California with an Associated in Medical Administration Specializing in Billing and Coding. Lori has been working at Ulysses High School and Seward County Community College for the last 5 years. Lori has lived in Ulysses for the last 14 year with her husband, Tim, and children Jordan, Zoey, and Madison. Lori was a cheerleader for 2 years in high school and 1 year at the college level. Lori is head cheer coach for football and wrestling. Lori can be reached through email at lbarnes@usd214.org


Beth Self

Coach Beth Self is an 8th-grade math teacher at Kepley Middle School. She has been teaching for 14 years. Before moving to Ulysses she taught at Dodge City Middle School in Dodge City for 11 years and coached cheerleading there for 8 years. She has an 8-year-old son and a 21-year-old daughter. Her family enjoys spending time together with their family in Michigan.


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