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Ulysses USD 214

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Board of Education

Kindergarteners at Hickok school playing a game.

The responsibilities of the Board of Education are to:

  • Determine an educational philosophy and priorities for the district and set goals and objectives accordingly.
  • Select and employ a Superintendent as chief administrative officer of the school.
  • Employ personnel upon nomination and recommendation of the Superintendent.
  • Fix the compensation of all school personnel.
  • Require and evaluate the reports of the Superintendent concerning the progress and the financial condition of the district.
  • Select architects, purchase sites, initiate and approve building plans and specifications for new building and alterations or additions to present buildings.
  • Consider and adopt an annual district budget prepared by the Superintendent and Business Manager.
  • Contract for service and materials considered necessary and appropriate for the district.
  • Adopt policies, plans and procedures to guide its officers and employees.
  • Assist in presenting to the public the needs and progress of the school district.
  • Provide for an annual audit for all school funds.
  • Review the quality of instruction as required by law through the process of an adopted evaluation procedure of certified employees.
  • Perform the specific duties imposed upon the Board by Kansas Statutes.
  • Advise and counsel the Superintendent on his recommendations concerning the schools.