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2024-2025 College Scholarships

Jun 10, 2022

Please check with each college for the specific dates - they may change.   Colleges and Universities Wichita State University   - Wichita -  December 1 Admission Deadline for Merit Scholarship consideration - check each scholarship for specific deadlines Fort Hays State University   - Hays - Priority Deadline - November 15 - final deadline February 15 K-State University - Manhattan - Future Freshmen - December . . .

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2024-2025 National Scholarships

Jun 10, 2022

*****Scholarships will be updated as received by businesses and organizations.***** Due dates in green indicate updated scholarships. PLEASE request a transcript from the Registrar's office at least one week in advance - or request multiples at once. Visit these sites to gain access to several different national scholarships.  It may require filling out a questionnaire so the scholarship list will be specific to your interests. You . . .

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2024-2025 Local Scholarships

Jun 7, 2022

  ***** Scholarships will be updated as received by businesses and organizations. ***** Due dates in green indicate updated scholarships. PLEASE   request a transcript from the Registrar's office at least one week in advance - or request multiple at once. Also, if the instructions require you to submit the scholarship to the Counselor's Office - it must be in a sealed envelope and you must provide your envelope . . .

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