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Graduation Requirements

UHS Enrollment Handbook​

Ulysses High School requires 26 units of credits of which 15.5 are required. The balance of the credits will come from electives. We encourage students to gear their programs in accordance with graduation as well as post-graduation plans. The requirements are as follows: 

A. Upon completion of the following requirements:

26 units of credits including 15.5 units of required & 10.5 electives
Language Arts 4 credits
Social Science 3 credits (1 credit of American History & 1 credit of American Government)
Laboratory Science 3 credits (2 Physical Science and 1 Biology)
Mathematics 3 credits
PE & Health 1/2 credit of each
Personal Finance 1/2 credit
Fine Arts 1 credit
Electives 10.5 credits

B. Upon successful completion of a Special Alternative Graduation Plan.

All graduates of (A) or (B) shall receive the same diploma. A modified curriculum will be denoted on transcripts of students completing (B). 

Foreign Exchange Students will not receive a high school diploma, but will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance. 


Kansas Board of Regents Qualified Admissions

If you are a Kansas resident who will graduate from an accredited high school during the academic year or later, you can guarantee admission to five of the state’s universities by completing the Qualified Admissions or Kansas Scholars curriculum with a 2.0 GPA and by meeting one of the following requirements: - ACT score of at least 21; OR - SAT score of at least 980; OR - Graduate in the top 1/3rd of your class. If you enroll in college courses while you are in high school, it is also required that you achieve a 2.0 GPA or higher in those courses.

Approved Qualified Admissions Courses for KS Schools

 4 units of English
 3 units of Math and must score a 22 on the math portion of the ACT OR 4 units of math
 3 units of Social Studies
 3 units of Science (1 unit must be Chemistry or Physics)
 1 unit of Computer Technology
Two Years of Foreign Language recommended but not required


Kansas Scholars Curriculum

4 units of English
4 units of Math
3 units of Social Science
3 units of Natural Science (must take Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
2 units of World Language
March 2025
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