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Ulysses USD 214

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USD 214 Sportsmanship Guidelines

October 16, 2022

To everyone informed on the updated USD 214 Board Policy, I have attached two recently adapted activities policies.  Sportsmanship and positive communication practices are very important issues for all school systems.

As a member of the Kansas State High School Activities Association, USD 214 aligns with the following KSHSAA Sportsmanship philosophy:

Activities are an important aspect of the total education process in American schools. They provide an arena for participants to grow, to excel, to understand and to value the concepts of SPORTSMANSHIP and teamwork. They are an opportunity for coaches and school staff to teach and model SPORTSMANSHIP, to build school pride and to increase student/community involvement; this ultimately translates into improved academic performance. Activities are also an opportunity for the community to demonstrate its support for the participants and the school, and to model the concepts of SPORTSMANSHIP for our youth as respected representatives of society. Sportsmanship is good citizenship in action!

SPORTSMANSHIP is a general way of thinking and behaving. The following sportsmanship policy items are listed below for clarification:

  • Be courteous to all (participants, coaches, officials, staff and fans).
  • Know the rules, abide by and respect the official’s decisions.
  • Win with character and lose with dignity.
  • Display appreciation for good performance regardless of the team.
  • Exercise self-control and reflect positively upon yourself, team and school.
  • Permit only positive sportsmanlike behavior to reflect on your school or its activities.

Please help us display the characteristics listed above by following the attached sportsmanship policy as you attend ALL USD 214 school activities.

You will also note a link below a newly adopted board policy as it relates to communication between students, coaches, parents, and administrators.  We want to encourage students and parents to reach out when they have concerns, but this must happen productively.  We ask that communication start at the lowest level possible and progress as needed.  We also believe it is important that meetings to discuss issues are planned, well thought out, and occur at the correct time.  Please read this policy and reach out if you have any questions.

Click to view-->: Adopted Board Policy

Keep cheering loudly and proud for those Tigers.  One Roar!

Corey Burton
USD 214 Superintendent

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