Title I Information
Feb 7, 2019
Title I Brochure Title I Brochure (Spanish) Title I Parent Meeting Title I Parent Meeting (Spanish) Title I ARRA Requirement Title I ARRA Requirement (Spanish) Title I Compliance Compliance (Spanish)
Feb 7, 2019
Title I Brochure Title I Brochure (Spanish) Title I Parent Meeting Title I Parent Meeting (Spanish) Title I ARRA Requirement Title I ARRA Requirement (Spanish) Title I Compliance Compliance (Spanish)
Jul 23, 2013
This notification is provided to inform you of your right to request the following specific information concerning the school and teachers: Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s/children’s classroom teachers and paraprofessionals. Professional qualifications include: • Whether or not the teacher has met Kansas licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas being taught; • The baccalaureate degree and any other graduate certification . . .