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2024-2025 College Scholarships

June 10, 2022

Please check with each college for the specific dates - they may change.


Colleges and Universities

Wichita State University  - Wichita - December 1 Admission Deadline for Merit Scholarship consideration - check each scholarship for specific deadlines
Fort Hays State University  - Hays - Priority Deadline - November 15 - final deadline February 15
K-State University - Manhattan - Future Freshmen - December 1
University of Kansas - Lawrence - FAFSA KU Priority Deadline February 1 - Freshman Scholarship Deadline - December 1
Emporia State University - Emporia - Opens November 1; Priority date of February 1 
Washburn University - Topeka - Priority Deadline - February 15
Oklahoma Panhandle State University - Goodwell, Oklahoma  
Pittsburg State University - Pittsburg - The priority Deadline for scholarships is November 1
Bethany College - Lindsborg - Priority for all financial aid is given to students accepted for admission before April 1
Newman University - Wichita - December 1
Friends University - Wichita - February 1 - FAFSA Priority Deadline *check with the financial aid office
Central Christian College - McPherson - April 1
Bethel College - North Newton
Barclay College - Haviland
McPherson College - McPherson
Sterling College - Sterling
Tabor College - Hillsboro
Southwestern College - Winfield - Application for Admission and supporting materials due November 1

Community Colleges

Seward County Community College - Liberal
Garden City Community College - Garden City
Dodge City Community College - Dodge City
Hutchinson Community College - Hutchinson - Priority Deadline February 15
Colby Community College - Colby - 1st Priority Deadline - December 31; 2nd Priority Deadline - February 15
Cloud County Community College - Concordia
Butler Community College - El Dorado
Barton Community College - Great Bend
Cowley College - Arkansas City - Priority Deadline for Fall semester - February 15
Pratt Community College - Pratt
Hesston College - Hesston
Haskell Indian Nations University - Lawrence

Technical Schools

NCK Technical College - Beloit - Deadline January 15
Flint Hills Technical College - Emporia - Deadline March 1
Manhattan Area Technical College - Manhattan - Deadline for application - February 7
Salina Area Technical College - Salina - Applications are due June 1
Northwest Kansas Technical College - Goodland - Applications are due on or before June 15
WSU Tech - Wichita - Many different due dates are listed
K-State Polytechnic - Salina - Priority Deadline for Fall - December 1


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