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Ulysses USD 214

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Illness Policy

Dear Parents,

The beginning of a new school year is always exciting for our students and the staff.  We want our students to be able to attend school every day, but unfortunately germs seem to follow the students to school.  It is our aim to provide effective care for your students when they become ill.


This is a good time to remind all parents of the District Policy concerning illness and the protocol families should follow.  This year, there are several students in the schools who are Immunocompromised.  This means that their bodies can not fight off infection easily.  We are asking that you follow the illness policy to allow these students to come to school without unnecessary exposure to illness.


Students may be sent home from school with any of the following symptoms:

  • Elevated temperature of 100.4 (or lower during flu season)

  • Severe colds

  • Severe nose bleeds

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

  • General fatigue, a tired, listless child

  • Suspicion of contagious disease

  • Sudden appearance of a rash

  • Earaches

  • Discharge or inflammation of the eyes


Students who have been sent home from school for the above reasons, or who have gotten sick at home may not return to school until the following conditions are met:

  • The student has remained temperature free, unmedicated, for 24 hours, and/or

  • The student has not had vomiting or diarrhea, unmedicated, for 24 hours, and/or

  • Receives a statement from the physician that the child may return to school and is not contagious


Thank you for helping keep our students Healthy and Ready to Learn!


USD #214 School Nurses


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