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Ulysses USD 214

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Health Requirements for New Students




All immunizations must be taken to the USD #214 School Nurse Office, 111 S. Baughman, for analysis and record keeping purposes. The School Nurse Office will give each parent a check off sheet of paper with initials showing evidence of their visit to the School Nurse Office.  This paper should then be taken to the school the student is enrolling in. New students will NOT be enrolled without this form showing that all immunizations are complete.
Students under age 9 and who are not transferring from a Kansas School are required to have a School Entry Physical. The physical must have been done within the past 12 months prior to enrollment. A copy of the physical or the scheduled appointment for the physical must be provided to the school nurse prior to attending school. This form can be found under the District tab under Enrollment Documents.
A student who plans on participating in school sports, grades 7-12, must have a sports physical completed after May 1st of the current school year. The physical needs to be on a KSHSAA (Kansas State High School Activities Association) Pre-Participation Evaluation Form.

This form can be downloaded from the KSHSAA web site:

English:   http://kshsaa.org/Public/PDF/FORM-PPE.pdf

Spanish:  http://kshsaa.org/Public/PDF/FORM-PPE(Spanish).pdf


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