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Developing Soft Skills

July 11, 2019


Developing Soft Skills

Soft skills are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.  While technical skills are important, employers are becoming increasingly more interested in hiring people that display professional skills and the type of character they want reflected in their organization.  Take a look at the chart for a few examples of the most commonly sought-after soft skills and how you can start applying these before you start applying for jobs!

Soft Skill Definition Practical Application
Dependability Being able to be counted on Arriving early for work shifts, classes, practices, and other activities
Self-Motivation Internal drive to accomplish things Competing tasks without being asked
Willingness to Learn Readiness to acquire more knowledge and improve

Taking a new class, joining a book club

Attitude Settled way of thinking or feeling, reflected by behavior Smiling!
Time Management Process of organizing and planning how much time your spend on activities

Turning in assignments on time, meeting deadlines for projects

Confidence Feeling of self-assurance from one's own abilities Showing pride in accomplishments
Honesty Quality of being truthful and sincere Owning up to your mistakes
Flexibility Willingness to change or compromise

Covering a coworkers shift at work

Adaptability Quality of being able to adjust to new conditions Taking on a new, unexpected role in an organization or workplace
Professionalism Displaying competence or skill expected of a professional Always looking clean, polished, and dressed appropriately
Work Ethic Belief that hard work has value to strengthen character Taking a part-time job, staying late in a meeting to pick up tables and chairs
Integrity Quality of having strong moral principles Saying no when you know something is wrong
Organization  Displaying an efficient and orderly approach Keeping your workspace and personal space clean at all times

List obtained from Kansas College and Career Guide 2018-2019; kscollegecareer.org

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