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Ulysses USD 214

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Heather Reimer, Counselor                    Kim Darrough-Hayden, LMSW - School Social Worker


Mrs. Heather Reimer and Mrs. Kim-Darrough-Hayden are the high school counselor and School Social Worker for grades 9 through 12 at Ulysses High School.

Our primary responsibilities are to promote the academic, personal, and social development of all students.  We look forward to offering support to the students, staff, families, and Ulysses community.


We will be responsible for:

  • Counseling individuals and small groups of students as needed

  • Guiding students in educational and career plans

  • Consulting with parents and teachers

  • Planning and organizing programs, testing, and special events

  • Sharing information about various community services that are available


We look forward to working with the UHS students, parents, and faculty to help every student develop strong character, life skills, and positive relationships for successful living in a diverse world.  We can be reached by email at hreimer@usd214.org or kdarrough-hayden@uhs214.org or by phone at 620-356-1380.



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