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Ulysses USD 214

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Financial Aid Information

Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FASFA involves a number of steps:

1. Apply for a FASFA ID.

2. Fill out the FASFA.

3. Have Tax Return information from previous year ready or give permission for the FASFA to communicate with the IRS to retrieve your tax information through electronic means (recommended). 

Note: The federal government awards aid based on financial need. Household income is taken into account in disbursing awards. Students may be eligible for a combination of grants, loans and/or work study to defray the cost of college. All loans will need to be paid back. Grants are free and do not require repayment. Workstudy allows students to have on-campus jobs.

Apply for a FAFSA ID by clicking here!

Needing information about Federal Student Aid? Just click here!

Caution: There are sites online which "impersonate" the FASFA site. Please make sure you are uploading your information to the correct site -- https://fafsa.ed.gov/.

Other Savings Options:


Set up your college savings account  by clicking here!

K.I.D.S. Matching Grant for Low-Income Families

Learn more by clicking here!


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